Wednesday, July 31, 2013


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"Genevieve is an insightful listener with the ability to get to the heart of a situation quickly. Her advice comes from a place of empathy and is spot on!  I highly recommend her."  
- Elissa

"Genevieve West is a breath of fresh air in the stink of singledom. She is willing to talk about the elephant in the room that no other leader or modern day speaker is willing to approach. Her care for the hearts of single men and women, make Genevieve not only trustworthy but that she also has a deep submission to the heart of God and His ultimate design of marriage." 

Meme was sent with Kimberli's testimonial
"Thank you, Yoda "G". Sometimes in life you meet someone who is a great guider and helps you down a path. You know the right path (or think you do) but sometimes it takes someone to show you the "why" and the "how" ... thanks for being that person for me... Your infinite knowledge amazes me!  Thank you for being my friend!"
- Kimberli

      "The first time I met Genevieve, I had grabbed her baby from a mutual friend [at church] - yeah, I'm that woman - and [the baby] was sitting on my hip playing happily with my necklace. Genevieve walked up and introduced herself, seeing as I was holding her daughter, and commented that she doesn't really wear big, chunky jewelry anymore because it inevitably winds up in the baby's mouth. 
      "Yeah, well I'm young, single, and childless, so I don't have to plan my wardrobe around these occasions," I shot back. 
      Genevieve's immediate response was, "Well, in case you ever get tired of being single and childless, I happen to be a professional matchmaker. Here's my card. Give me a call."
      Genevieve is fearless with the truth, and I have appreciated every interaction with her since that day. She has forced me to step out of my comfort zone and face fears and scars that I have avoided addressing for years. Relationships aside, I am so incredibly thankful to have Genevieve's quick-witted wisdom in my life."
- Tiffany

"Sounds like that guy needs Genevieve's ebook." 

"I just bought your book and I'm not gonna lie ... I started it with a cynical attitude. But I'm sitting here reading it with a margarita in hand and laughing my head off and really enjoying it. I love it when books make me laugh and be introspective simultaneously." 

Thanks for this great and insightful read! I love the clear directions your book takes and how it simply states the truth. Thanks for giving me renewed hope in finding a wonderful wife!

"I am nearly 40 and single for the first time - ever. I'm sad to say that I've had three (YES, 3!) failed marriages. After a year of reflection, I began to realize it was ME that needed to change. This book is so frank, so on-point and starts with advising you'll likely hate her after reading it. Why? Because you'll be staring at the comfort zone you've boxed yourself into - only resulting in unsuccessful relationships. Why would I recommend this and give it 5 stars? Because the voice is so clear you'll feel like you're hearing a trusted friend with a psychology degree. It is funny and frank, yet thought provoking and motivating. Love this! Here's an author with a pulse on her passion."  

"Great read for anyone who has struggled with looking for love. Genevieve gives you an objective view about why one can be single for so long, and best of all she is down right honest. You may even get mad at the book because frankly we probably have done at least one of the "don'ts" that is mentioned in the book. I love that it is short and still makes really great points of what we as people do wrong to catch the man or woman one may desire. I recommend "It's YOUR FAULT you're single" to anyone who is looking for love or is suffering from a heartbreak."

"Gosh, you tell the reader in the beginning they make not like you or what you've written. All the hater had to say was "you're right.""

"I loooooove it so far! I think you give some really good advice that I'm really going to try and take to heart. Especially the part about not looking at every, single guy as a man meat market! I feel like I do that a lot, especially at church. It's like, "Oh you're a guy who loves Jesus and you are coming to my church now and doing ministry, we're obviously made for each other!" I can't wait to finish the book and write you a great review! Tell those haters to take a hike and a good look at themselves." 

All in all, good book and GREAT conclusion. I can definitely see some of the parallels to my life, and the lives of some of my single friends. It gave me a chance to think through what I need to evaluate in my own singleness, and ways to encourage my single friends. I will be passing the title on to friends to read and hopefully find encouragement as well.



"I've kissed dating goodbye. I've given dating a chance. I've been a lady in waiting. So far, none of that has worked for me... be brave and get it! I found as I read it that I really was glad I got this book, and gleaned a lot from it.

Reading this book felt like sitting down with the one relative who doesn't constantly feed you stories of how awesome you are and what a shame it is that you're still single. Instead, she points out the ways that singles self-sabotage relationships. She doesn't give us an excuse to wallow in lonely self-pity. Her style is grab-the-bull-by-the-horns and 'don't give me excuses.' Makes me think that maybe I really am the reason I'm still single, and that I have some habits that need to be changed...

Overall, this was a great book and definitely worth a read! Kudos, Genevieve!"

- Holly

Genevieve does a great job touching upon several dating issues in simple-to-read plain English. A totally honest perspective about how you might be your own worst dating enemy.

"...It's not a blanket singles book designed to make you feel good about yourself. It challenges you and your preconceived notions about dating and why you're still single (hint: it really is your fault). It has a little something for every type of single person.
And Genevieve does a wonderful job of combining truth and grace in her advice. I would even go so far as to say she's the Simon Cowell of the single world. You might not like what she has to say...but you know she's always right. ;)
... Genevieve has made some excellent points about why singles are...well still single.
I would recommend this to a lot of my single friends! Also...there's a chapter on sex. Yeah. She went there ;)
Good job Genevieve! I'm so proud of you!"

"@GenevieveWest is killin' it in her new book! #gobuyit #yourfault Before you gossip with your girlfriend..." -Viv

Please share your story with us in the comments below:


  1. Genevieve is an insightful listener with the ability to get to the heart of a situation quickly. Her advice comes from a place of empathy and is spot on! I highly recommend her.
